Since May 12, in Silger village in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district, thousands of Adivasi locals were protesting against the newly built CRPF camp in what was previously a jungle on the border of Bijapur and Sukma. . .
A number of artists, writers, and activists initiated a campaign to ‘Count Every Death’, commemorate Covid victims and amplify the voices of family members who lost loved ones. Among the hundreds who have endorsed this. . .
The New York Times notes that as of May 24, India’s official second wave Covid death toll was 307, 231. But NYT, with the help of a range of experts, said that even a conservative. . .
In 2019-20, India was haunted by the spectre of the NRC – a national register of citizens that Prime Minister Modi and his Home Minister Shah had promised. Modi and Shah had claimed that this. . .