Vivek Agnihotri’s latest film ‘The Kashmir Files’ released on 11 March, the day after the Assembly election results were announced in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur, has created a storm across the country. . .
Part-IV In Parts II and III of this article we have briefly narrated the major developments in the reform process in China, as dictated more by changes in the objective national-international situations and the contradictions. . .
PART - III [Our plan was to conclude the article in this number, but we have had to split the last instalment into two parts in order that we can cover some important political developments. . .
The reforms agenda got going since 1978, but it really took off in 1980–81, when two of Deng’s close comrades came to the helm -- Zhao Ziyang became Prime Minister and Hu Yaobang replaced Hua. . .
“Mao repeatedly pointed out that the contradiction between capitalism and socialism is far from resolved. This struggle will go on for many years to come, may be a few hundred years, and thus the question. . .
- Part II - If 1949 marked the culmination of New Democratic Revolution (NDR) it also meant, by definition, the simultaneous initiation of the socialist revolution/transformation. Yes, by definition, because here lies its uniqueness –. . .
[ In the year of the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) we revisit the history of the CPC’s birth and the inspiring legacy of the Chinese revolution. In the next instalment we. . .
In the evening, about 5 to 7 pm, some UP government officials came to our camp; they told us to vacate this place, otherwise we would come to harm. At 11.45 pm our houses caught. . .
In early May, Baljeet Asthana was recording a video message -- an open letter in audio-visual format -- standing outside the upscale Fortis Hospital, where her 82-year-old mother was slowly dying. Because there was no. . .
(Part II) In the last couple of issues Liberation carried pieces on the highly worrisome pandenomic situation in India and the Modi regime’s dogged refusal to adopt a proper stimulus package as advised by not. . .