Comrade Sanyasi Oraon

Comrade Sanyasi Oraon, one of the key organisers of the Naxalbari movement in Nadia, and a leading figure in Adivasi awakening and peasant resistance, passed away on March 21. In his final years, he suffered from age-related ailments, yet he remained steadfast in his revolutionary spirit until his last day.

He transformed his village, Miraipur, into a stronghold of the Party. From the 1970s and 1980s onwards, it served as a safe haven for the Party’s top leadership and played a crucial role in the peasant movement. Comrade Sanyasi and his comrades fearlessly plunged into countless struggles, often risking their lives. His resolute and astute leadership struck fear into the hearts of the enemy, and he became a legendary figure across the region. Despite lacking formal education, he was a political mentor to us on the battlefield of class struggle.

As we bid farewell to this remarkable leader, we reaffirm our commitment to his unfinished mission—the fight for the rights of Adivasis, landless peasants, and the oppressed. Red Salute to Comrade Sanyasi Oraon!

Comrade Sanyasi Oraon